Everything you want to know
I am Buddhika Sanjeewa, Founder, Chairman & Chief Editor of Mettavalokanaya & Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazines and International Buddhist Websites & International Buddhist Television Channel. My all Buddhist magazines, websites & International Buddhist Television Channel will distribute free of charge worldwide, not for sale. Now I have 02 International Buddhist Magazines, 02 International Buddhist Websites & International Buddhist Television Channel namely, www.mettavalokanaya.com & www.bhikkhunis.com & www.shifuinternational.com.
I started the International Magazine & Website specially for all Bhikkhu, Bhikkhunis (Nuns) in the world. This International Buddhist Magazine has been published in English, which includes 60 pages of articles related to Buddhism and Buddha Sasana. The magazine comprises special articles written by leading and Senior Monks & Masters overseas. “Mettavalokanaya” International Buddhist Magazine so far has been successfully distributed to 45 countries in the world. Regularly I am distributing to the World’s high & main Buddhist Temples, International Buddhist organizations, the World’s famous Buddhist Monks, Nuns & Masters and selected worldwide High Commissions & Embassies. Also, specially distributing overseas during International Buddhist Conferences & Forums.

Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazine
I am Buddhika Sanjeewa, Founder, Chairman & Chief Editor of Mettavalokanaya & Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazines and International Buddhist Websites & International Buddhist Television Channel. My all Buddhist magazines, websites & International Buddhist Television Channel will distribute free of charge worldwide, not for sale. Now I have 02 International Buddhist Magazines, 02 International Buddhist Websites & International Buddhist Television Channel namely, www.mettavalokanaya.com & www.bhikkhunis.com & www.shifuinternational.com.
I started the World’s First International Bhikkhunis Magazine & Website specially for all Bhikkhunis (Nuns) in the world. This Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazine has been published in English, which includes60 pages of articles related to Buddhism and Bhikkhuni Sasana. The magazine comprises special articles written by leading and Senior Bhikkhunis overseas. “Bhikkhunis” International Buddhist Magazine so far has been successfully distributed to 45 countries in the world. Regularly I am distributing to the World’s high & main Buddhist Temples, International Buddhist organizations, the World’s famous Buddhist Monks, Nuns & Masters and selected worldwide High Commissions & Embassies. Also, specially distributing overseas during International Buddhist Conferences & Forums.
Metta, or lovingkindness, is one of the most important Buddhist practices. Simply stated, Metta is the heartfelt wish for the well-being of oneself and others.
Metta is more than conventional friendship, for it includes being openhearted even toward one’s enemies, developed from insight into our shared humanity.

Dignified Adviser
Most Venerable Senior Bhikkhuni Dr. Ming Yu
President of the Outstanding Women in Buddhism Awards (OWBA), Honorary President of the Chinese Character Education Promotion Association, Deputy President of the World Alliance of Buddhists (WAB), The Former President of Chinese Young Buddhist Association in Taiwan (CYBA) & Dignified Adviser of Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazine

Senior Adviser
Most Venerable Senior Bhikkhuni Dr. Lee
President of the Outstanding Women in Buddhism Awards, Abbess of the International Women’s Meditation Center Foundation in Thailand, Senior Consultant of Mettavalokanaya and Bhikkhunis International Buddhist Magazines

Founder / Chairman
Chief Editor Mettavalokanaya Mr. Buddhika Sanjeewa
Founder, Chairman, Chief Editor, Mettavalokanaya & “Bhikkhunis” International Buddhist Magazines, Websites & “Shifu International”
Welcome to all over the world who are sincerely interested in Buddhism. Shifu International is the specially for worldwide historical Buddhist Places and Buddhist activities worldwide. This is the main Buddhist Channel of Mettavalokana Buddhist Publications Centre.
I am Buddhika Sanjeewa. As a Buddhist and universal traveler, I have been to more than 25 countries in my 22 years of overseas travelling life. During the days of my official international travel, I visited many Buddhist Temples and most valuable historical Buddhist places all around the world. Based on my experience in global travelling, I decided to share with you on the importance of these sacred and of immense spiritual values of these Buddhist Temples and historical Buddhist places. Please join with me. Let’s start the holy pilgrimage….