In the latter part of 1978, I managed to convince Ven. Pannila Ananda thero to visit Los Angeles, USA. This visit marked the establishment of the Los Angeles Buddhist temple in Beachwood Blvd, Hollywood under the patronage of the Sri Lankan-American board of lay trustees (dhāyaka sabha). However, the trustees in charge of the board preferred the temple management to be solely under their care as it was carried out at Lankārāma temple in Singapore. We, the ‘sangha’ were relegated to be religious figureheads who guided them and made sure they wouldn’t stray from the path to nirvāna. Born out of a narrow-minded out-look on life, the temple management dictated certain rules to be followed where women were prohibited from entering the temple grounds after 6.00 p.m., non-Buddhist devotees were prohibited from entering the temple, and the monks residing in the temple were prohibited from attending the board of trustee meetings. Furthermore, the presiding chief monk was not allowed the authority to invite guest bhikkus to stay over at the temple without express permission from the board of lay trustees.