our awards
Most Popular & Leading International Monthly Buddhist Magazine in Sri Lanka, “Mettavalokanaya” awarded 2018 – The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award from Thailand….
Most Popular & Leading International Monthly Buddhist Magazine in Sri Lanka, “Mettavalokanaya” has been awarded as the World’s Best Buddhist Magazine, “The Global Buddhist Ambassador Award 2018” during the annual award ceremony which was held on April 21, 2018 at Wat Khean Khet Temple premises, Patumthani, Thailand. Mettavalokanaya is the first Buddhist Magazine in Sri Lanka to receive an award of this caliber from a prestigious international body.
The Buddhist magazine was selected for this award among other nominations sent in from 28 countries from around the world. The award was presented by Most Venerable Palawadhammo (Dr. Pornchai Pinyapong), the President of the World Alliance of Buddhists (WAB) to Mr. Buddhika Sanjeewa, the Chief Editor, Founder & President of Mettavalokanaya International Buddhist Magazine & website.
This award recognizes the magazine’s exemplary effort to spread the teachings of Buddhism to an international audience who are interested in exploring the religion and Mr. Sanjeewa’s dedication to creating an international harmony and culture of peace through Buddhism.
Most Venerable Somsak Chotintharo (Phrateprattanasuthi), the Ecclesiastical Patumthani Governor and Dr. Kritsada Jangchaimonta, the Patron of the Project also signed the award and graced the occasion. The Mettavalokanaya team is very happy and proud to have won this award. Since its establishment in December 2015, Mettavalokanaya has successfully published 28 magazines and distributed them to 40 countries worldwide, including to all districts across Sri Lanka absolutely free of charge. Specially distributed Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Bhikkhunis, Nuns, Worldwide Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences, Forums and High Commissions & Embassies situated in Sri Lanka & overseas Sri Lankan High Commissions & Embassies.
Mettavalokanaya will continue to envision being the magazine that will take the higher teachings of the Enlightened One to those in Sri Lanka and across the world. The magazine comprises mostly of articles written by leading Buddhist Monks from across the world and Sri Lanka as well as provides the public’s perspective on the teachings of the Buddha.
All published articles are accessible on the website – www.mettavalokanaya.com, as well as on social media platforms such as the Mettavalokanaya Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Blogger, Instagram, Linkedin, Yumpu, Flickr, Pinterest, Tumblr and Wikipedia etc. The team behind the success of the magazine sincerely believes that spreading the teachings of Buddhism and the Dhamma would be very useful for those interested to follow the sublime path as well as those who aspire to be in that path from all around the world and shall strive at all times to bring the message of sublime Dhamma to all in this world which is beset with greed and hatred and help them to alleviate their minds and lead happy lives hereafter.